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Understanding 24Checklist concepts

Before diving into the actual features of 24Checklists, we want to introduce a number of basic concepts.

  • At the lowest level, you define Checks. These are individual criteria that want to evaluate as part of a checklist. You can define checks of various types: boolean, picklist, text, richt text and numeric. A check can be reused across multiple checklists.

  • For numeric checks, it is possible to define Check Escalation Values. Based on numeric criteria, a check can be categorized as in- or out-of-range, error messages can be shown and a platform event can be raised.

  • Checks are grouped into Checklists. Checklists are always bound to a certain object, e.g. choose the object Opportunity in case you want the checklist to appear on the Opportunity record page. You assign checks to a checklist via the Checklist Check. It is possible to show or hide checklists on certain record pages via filter criteria. Only Checklists that are Active are shown, so it is possible to retire checklists that are no longer in use. For every checklist, there can be one and only one active version.

  • When a user fills out a checklist on a particular record page, the results are stored in Checklist Result and Check Result records.

  • Optionally, you can also make use of Version Management for Checklists. This feature is useful if you work in a bigger organization or want more structure in checklists for e.g. audit purposes. When version management is enabled, checklists can be either in DRAFT or PUBLISHED. Published checklists cannot be edited or deleted. That implies that also all related objects such as e.g. checks and checklist checks are all locked. Published checklists can never go back to the draft state. This mechanism allows to always link Checklist Results and Check Results to the correct checklist and its version.

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