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Checklist Results and Check Results

When the checklist is loaded onto a record page, a Checklist Result record is being created. The Checklist result contains a reference to the record as well as to the checklist from which it was derived.

It further contains info on the User that completed the checklist and the timestamp when the checklist was completed.

When the checklist is loaded onto a record page, a Check Result record is being created for every check on the checklist. The check result has a reference to the corresponding Checklist Result and Check. Once confirmed; it will also contain the data of the check.

The Checklist Result and Check Result Data records can then be used in Salesforce Reports and Salesforce Dashboards.

If version management is enabled and you have deployed multiple checklist over time, it will always be possible to link Check Results and Checklist Results to a particular version of Checklist and all the checks that were in place at that point in time. This is of utmost importance for consistency and compliance purposes.

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