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24Checklist - Install Package

24Checklist consists of 2 packages. You will need to install both in order to make use of 24Checklist so follow the steps below for 24Utils and 24Checklist

  1. Do you want to install the package on a production org (production or development) or a sandbox org (sandbox or scratch)

    1. Production org use the package url ( )

    2. Sandbox org: use replace with

  2. Go to the package url

  3. Login with the user of the org where you want to install the package on

  4. You will get this screen:

  5. Check I acknowledge… and click “Install’

  6. The installation can take a few minutes, once done you will receive a screen as follows. Click “Done”

  7. In Setup > Installed Packages you can see the packages that are installed on your org. After the installation 24Checklist will be available.

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