24Checklist - Install Package
24Checklist consists of 2 packages. You will need to install both in order to make use of 24Checklist so follow the steps below for 24Utils and 24Checklist
Do you want to install the package on a production org (production or development) or a sandbox org (sandbox or scratch)
Production org use the package url (http://login.salesforce.com )
Sandbox org: use replace http://login.salesforce.com with http://test.salesforce.com
Go to the package url
Login with the user of the org where you want to install the package on
You will get this screen:
Check I acknowledge… and click “Install’
The installation can take a few minutes, once done you will receive a screen as follows. Click “Done”
In Setup > Installed Packages you can see the packages that are installed on your org. After the installation 24Checklist will be available.